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New Arrivals
This is our new arrival list from our last shipment!
Please be aware that all fish are sent to our nurse station for 5-7 days to make sure fish are disease free and ready to be put in your aquarium! You can prepay on any quarantined stock.
Albino Osphronemus Gourami | |
Dorityi Rainbow | |
New Guinea Rainbow | |
Turquoise Rainbow | |
Red Neon Blue Eye Rainbow | |
Silver Arowana | |
Blackfin Splitfin | |
Flame Sword | |
Blood Red Rotala | |
St. Elmo Fire Sword | |
Assorted Discus | |
Blood Parrot | |
Red & Blue Columbian Tetra | |
Blue Neons | |
African Dwarf Frogs | |
Clown Killi | |
Silver Halfbeaks | |
Cherry Barb |
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